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Comparative Religion Lings, Martin Perennial Philosophy Tradition
Price: $23.95
ISBN: 978-1-935493-55-6
Book Size: 8.25"x11"
# of Pages: 228
Language: English
In a world where misunderstandings and disagreements between cultures and faiths are commonplace, this fascinating book, the first in a new series called Studies in Comparative Religion, helps us put other faiths in context and addresses the problem of encountering foreign religious forms.
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In a world where misunderstandings and disagreements between cultures and faiths are commonplace, this fascinating book, the first in a new series called Studies in Comparative Religion, helps us put other faiths in context and addresses the problem of encountering foreign religious forms.
Harry Oldmeadow was co-ordinator of Philosophy and Religious Studies at La Trobe University in Australia and author of the acclaimed Traditionalism: Religion in the Light of the Perennial Philosophy (2000), an authoritative introduction to the perspective of Perennialism. Prof. Oldmeadow's contributions to World Wisdom books & DVDs include:
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“Studies in Comparative Religion (1963-1987) was a landmark in the field of traditional literature, gathering within its pages the wisdom of some of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century, who wrote mostly from a principial, primordial, and perennial perspective that transcended the limitations of merely formal boundaries while respecting formal orthodoxy. Therefore it is fitting that the much-welcome revival of this vital series is being inaugurated with a focus on the theme of ‘Crossing Religious Frontiers.’ In our times, when there is so much misinformation about religion, so much abuse within its ranks, and where there are so many encounters with religion, it is vital for us to understand comparative religion in a way that neither dilutes religion nor ossifies it. The essays in this edition of the new series, with their focus on principles, perspectives, and encounters between religions, will aid us in this task.”
—Ali Lakhani, author of The Timeless Relevance of Traditional Wisdom and editor of Sacred Web: A Journal of Tradition and Modernity
“This is the most reliable, accessible, and profound introduction to the thought of the leading perennialist authors of the twentieth century. This set of remarkable essays is indispensable for every contemporary student of traditional wisdom.”
—Algis Uždavinys, editor of The Golden Chain: An Anthology of Pythagorean and Platonic Philosophy
“To restart the publication of Studies in Comparative Religion with a volume on ‘Crossing Religious Frontiers,’ is most appropriate. At a time when interfaith dialogue is a dire necessity, the religious communities will welcome with great interest this volume where real builders of in-depth dialogue were judiciously chosen to express the very roots of the issues at stake. The main message shared by most of the authors’ articles gathered in this volume is that ‘crossing religious frontiers’ does not mean ‘gray’ syncretism but profound appreciation and understanding of the various ‘colors’ or qualities of each great religion.”
—Jean-Pierre Lafouge, Marquette University, editor of For God’s Greater Glory: Gems of Jesuit Spirituality
I. Principles
On Crossing Religious Frontiers by Marco Pallis
Religio Perennis by Frithjof Schuon
Not Fusion but Mutual Understanding by René Guénon
Religious Pluralism and the Transcendent Unity of Religions by Roland Pietsch
II. Perspectives
The Path of the Ancients: A Sacred Tradition Between East and West by Peter Kingsley
"What Hast Thou Done?": The Australian Aboriginies and the Fate of the Nomads by Aminah Smith
Make Your Choice by Thomas Yellowtail and Michael Fitzgerald
Sri Ramakrishna and Religiouos Tolerance by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
Coomaraswamy, Augustine, and the Perennial Philosophy by Stephen Cross
The Universality and Timelessness of Monasticism by Frithjof Schuon
The Transcendent Unity of Religions and Spiritual Practice by Charles Upton
The One and Only True Path by Timothy Scott
A Metaphysics of the Feminine and its Indian Roots: Franklin Merrell-Wolff, Bede Griffiths, and Frithjof Schuon by Patrick Laude
A Note on C.S. Lewis and Ecumenism by James Cutsinger
The Depth Dimension by Abhishiktananda
III. Encounters
In the Cave of the Heart: a Meeting of Santa Dharma and Sophia Perennis by Barry McDonald
Muhammad Pickthall and the Twilight of Classical Islam by Rodney Blackhirst
Ito's Cave by Titus Burckhardt
"Dweller on the Threshold": Simone Weil and Perennialism by Mark Stone
The Writings of Swami Abhishiktananda (Fr Henri le Saux) by Harry Oldmeadow
"The Exiled Immortal": Reconsidering Harold Stewart by Alex Minchinton
A Visit to the Jagadguru by William Stoddart
Book Reviews
Notes on Contributors
Note on the Editor
This "editorial" by editor Harry Oldmeadow to Crossing Religious Frontiers, the new volume of the Studies in Comparative Religion series, introduces the volume and inaugurates the new series. Oldmeadow has chosen some outstanding articles from the former Studies issues, from most of the luminaries of Traditionalism, but also included writings from some of the current voices of this school of thought. The central topic of the volume, honoring the unity of religions as well as their individual forms, is organized into three sections: "Principles," "Perspectives," and "Encounters."
| Editorial (introduction) to "Crossing Religious Frontiers" | "Crossing Religious Frontiers" (2010) - first new volume of "Studies in Comparative Religion" | Oldmeadow, Harry | | Comparative Religion, Inter-faith dialogue |
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