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  Books on Hinduism Back to the List of Slideshows
The Hindu god Shiva is the destroyer of the world and is responsible for change and destruction and in the positive sense of shedding old habits.
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Hinduism is the world’s oldest organized religion, still in existence after more than 4500 years. Today, there are over one billion Hindus all over the world. Based on the ancient Vedic literature, Hinduism is a belief system in constant transition. Populated by an almost infinite number of gods, the faith is open to adopting any or all of the gods created by younger religions. Unity between brahman (transcendent reality) and atman (the individual soul) forms the core of Hindu religious practices. Reincarnation, duty, and karma (accountability for one’s deeds) are also fundamental components of Hinduism.

The following slides provide an overview of the some of the books on Hinduism by World Wisdom. For a complete list of terms and their definitions commonly found in this religion, please visit The Dictionary of Spiritual Terms.
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