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The Sacred Worlds Series
Paul Goble's World: Native Americans' relationship to all created beings
What is Sacred Art?
Treasures of the World's Religions
Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Spirituality
Books on Hinduism
Spiritual Poetry
Who was Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa)?
The Perennial Philosophy Series
Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Art
  Where to look to "see God Everywhere"? Back to the List of Slideshows
From a painting by the Japanese artist Hokusai, as featured on the cover of the book Seeing God Everywhere: Essays on Nature and the Sacred  (World Wisdom, 2003).
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In his preface to this book, editor Barry McDonald reminds us that nature is sacred and that it is through the natural world that God reveals Himself. As human beings, our well-being—spiritual and physical—is inextricably linked to our being able to discern this reality.
Throughout the centuries, and across many religious traditions, we have sought the presence of the Real in wilderness landscapes. Deserts, forests, mountains and oceans are all places where the eye of the heart has opened and we have caught a glimpse of the beauty and the majesty of the Divine. Immersed in the silence of the great forest cathedrals and listening to the pure song of a mountain stream, we have come to know the inner man who has always lived upon the threshold of Heaven. And it is not only through the large and dramatic manifestations of nature that we have perceived the sacred: what wisdom did not the Buddha transmit by silently holding up a simple flower to the venerable Kashyapa?
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