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  Noble Faces, Strong Voices: Exploring "The Spirit of Indian Women" Back to the List of Slideshows
The cover of
The Spirit of Indian Women, published in 2005 by World Wisdom, showing a photo of Pretty Nose, a Cheyenne woman
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What was the role of women in the nomadic world of the American Indians in the 19th century? The Spirit of Indian Women provides a unique glimpse into a world that is almost inaccessible in our time. This wonderful book is edited by Judith Fitzgerald, and Michael Fitzgerald, and is the fourth book in the Sacred World Series.

Janine Pease, National Indian Educator of the Year and Founder of Little Big Horn College writes in her introduction:

"It is an honor to introduce to you The Spirit of Indian Women. This volume brings to us a combination of images and voices from American Indian women. The historic and written voices of, and about, American Indian women are remarkably profound. By reading this book, we are privileged to hear the thoughts and words of Indian women along with the intense beauty of their images. This gift of voice and image affords us an opportunity to travel across time and cultures, to listen to, and to observe these beautiful mothers, grandmothers, and matriarchs, all of them Indian women."

Click here to see an extensive bibliography of biographical materials
on American Indian women, used for the texts in this book

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