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Comparative Religion Science
Price: $16.95
ISBN: 0-941532-67-4
Book Size: 6" x 9"
# of Pages: 216
Language: English
In today’s secular environment the two worlds of science and spirituality are alien worlds, distinguished primarily by a deep-seated antagonism in which the principles of spirituality and the pragmatism of modern science exist face to face in a perennial state of confrontation. This profoundly learned work searches the borderlands between these two worlds.
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In today’s secular environment the two worlds of science and spirituality are alien worlds, distinguished primarily by a deep-seated antagonism in which the principles of spirituality and the pragmatism of modern science exist face to face in a perennial state of confrontation. This profoundly learned work searches the borderlands between these two worlds. Divided into three parts, this work begins by analyzing modern epistemological assumptions surrounding the faculty of reason and comparing it to traditional ideas concerning the intellect; the second and third parts deal masterfully with spiritual imagination and the light of faith.
Through a penetrating analysis of reason and intellect, spiritual imagination and the light of faith, this book addresses fundamental questions pertaining to our search for meaning. Countering the prevalent assumptions which determine our secular environment, these pages travel the borderlands between science and religion and open passageways to a higher understanding of spiritual life Countering the prevalent assumptions which determine our secular environment, this book travels the borderlands between science and religion and opens passageways to a higher understanding of spiritual life.
"Professor Herlihy has provided us with what can only be described as a guide to the rectification of thinking, for if we do not think correctly we are like the mathematician who does not compute correctly. Errors are legion but the Truth is one and incorrect thinking voids the Truth of meaning. The dethroning of the intellect and reduction of the 'heart' to the seat of sentiment, or even worse, to a mechanical pump has reduced the status of contemporary man to little more than a clever animal. Herlihy's book provides us with a genuine light out of the tunnel of darkness into which modern ways of thinking have led us."
- Rama P. Coomaraswamy, author of The Destruction of the Christian Tradition
"Borderlands of the Spirit is a major step in the desperately needed resurrection of a ‘principial’ psychology, couched not in arcane alchemical symbols but in the common language of our time. It is also a telling critique of a modern mindset which attempts to account for man while denying the human soul. Guénon hardly touched on this kind of practical spiritual psychology. Schuon, perhaps, enunciated its first principles. John Ahmed Herlihy has taken the next step by clearly defining the various psychic faculties, including the higher emotions, in their concrete relationship to both the metaphysical order and the spiritual life. This book will be of immeasurable use to spiritual directors, as well as to every reader who is in danger, as so many of us are today, of forgetting what it means to be a human being."
- Charles Upton, author of The System of Antichrist: Truth & Falsehood in Postmodernism and the New Age
"John Herlihy has done a wonderful job of reminding us of the central importance of the 'sacred science' which is forgotten and denied by the modern mentality. Those who are dissatisfied with the totalitarian claims of the scientistic outlook will find John Herlihy’s book of great help and value. Highly recommended."
- Mehrdad M. Zarandi, editor of Science and the Myth of Progress
"For those who doubt there are realities within the inner human cosmos inaccessible to modern science because of inherent limitations in its methodological tools, John Herlihy’s new book has a very clear message. The realities in question are far richer than the space-time complex postulated and experienced by modern science, and moreover are within the reach of human experience. Herlihy has demonstrated this fact with intellectual rigor, providing an invaluable comparison and contrast between the traditional and modern scientific views on such fundamental concepts as consciousness, life, intelligence, and beliefs. This is perhaps the best exposition of traditional cognitive psychology to have appeared in recent times. It is also a major contribution to the contemporary discourse on religion and science."
- Osman Bakar, Malaysia Chair of Islam in Southeast Asia, Georgetown University and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Science, University of Malaya
"Unquestioningly, this is perhaps the most profound book in its genre that I've ever read. Herlihy's creative inquiry and unexpected insights flow like a fresh breeze across the traditional landscape of spirituality as it nudges the reader gradually toward the larger truths of self-discovery and intellectual fulfillment that lie within the very scope of the human faculties. Appropriately sub-titled as reflections on a sacred science of mind, the book liberates the untapped resources that lie dormant within the mind and heart of the reader, and has a subtle impact on the way we live our everyday lives."
- Hussein A. Amery, editor (with A. T. Wolf) of Water in the Middle East : A Geography of Peace
"John Herlihy does what too few contemporary writers have done. He takes the reader by the hand and leads him from the point from which every spiritual journey must begin—our personal here and now. He identifies the major landmarks in self-discovery and tells us of their importance, location and rôle."
- Alvin Moore, Jr., editor of Selected Letters of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
"There is a certain inviting pace to Herlihy's writing. It is in the 'borderland' between the dialectics of philosophy and the musicality of poetry. There is a special tone and voice to the book that is personal without being idiosyncratic. This book may be especially appealing to readers who, without being familiarized with the perennial philosophy, already have intimations of the flaws of the modern scientific outlook. It is also, therefore, a 'borderland' book in the sense that it may introduce new readers to the perennial perspective in a way that appeals more to them than other, more 'geometric,' books.
- Patrick Laude, Georgetown University, and author of Frithjof Schuon: Life and Teachings (with Jean-Baptiste Aymard) and The Way of Poetry
Characteristics of the Borderland
Part One: Faculties of Knowledge
- Reason Wears a Wizard's Cap
- The Luminous Source of Human Intelligence
- The Other Heart, the Forgotten One
Part Two: Fields of Perception
- Soul Instinct and Spiritual Imagination
- Inside the Niche of Higher Emotions
- The Sacred Ground of the Soul
Part Three: Forces of Spirituality
- The Light of Faith in the Shadow of Modernity
- The Paradox of Free Will and Fated Choices
- The Power of Language in Unfinished Man
The Loss and Discovery of a Hidden Treasure