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John Herlihy’s life and work
This site includes John Herlihy’s biography, photos, online articles, bibliography, and more.
John Herlihy
John  Herlihy
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Biography of John Herlihy

John Herlihy was born into an Irish-American family in Boston, Massachusetts. Herlihy completed studies at a Paulist seminary, but more recently worked as a lecturer in English in several Near and Far Eastern countries. He currently works in Abu Dhabi at the University of Science, Technology and Research as a special advisor to the President.

In the early 1970s, Herlihy made the acquaintance of a Kashmiri Indian whom he now fondly remembers as “the laughing Sufi.” In his book The Seeker and the Way, Herlihy explains that his conversion was a raw and unexpected awakening that pulled him back from the abyss and set for him a new direction in coming to terms with the purpose and meaning of his life. Twenty years after his conversion and with a life-long interest in writing, he began to explore through words the complex nature of his relationship with this and the “other” world. In addition to writing for such traditional journals as Sacred Web and Sophia, his publications include In Search of the Truth, Veils and Keys to Enlightenment, Modern Man at the Crossroads, and Near and Distant Horizons, all of which reflect upon the disparity between modernity and tradition and the pursuit of spirituality in today’s anti-spiritual world.

John Ahmed Herlihy has written two books for World Wisdom: Borderlands of the Spirit: Reflections on a Sacred Science of Mind and Wisdom’s Journey: Living the Spirit of Islam in the Modern World. Mr Herlihy is also the editor of The Essential René Guénon: Metaphysics, Tradition and the Crisis of Modernity.

Books/DVDs containing the work of John Herlihy

John Ahmed Herlihy's World Wisdom books:

John Herlihy’s Writings Online
 TitleSourceAuthor 1Author 2SubjectWW HTMLWW PDFExternal Link
The Preface from The Essential René GuénonThe Essential René Guénon: Metaphysics, Tradition and the Crisis of ModernityHerlihy, John Guénon, René
The Encounter with MysteryWisdom’s Journey: Living the Spirit of Islam in the Modern WorldHerlihy, John Islam, Spiritual Life
Reason Wears a Wizard's CapBorderlands of the SpiritHerlihy, John Metaphysics
 3 entries (Displaying results 1 - 3) View : Jump to: Page: of 1 pages

Quotes on John Herlihy

"John Herlihy does what too few contemporary writers have done. He takes the reader by the hand and leads him from the point from which every spiritual journey must begin—our personal here and now. He identifies the major landmarks in self-discovery and tells us of their importance, location and role."
Alvin Moore, Jr., editor of Selected Letters of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

John Herlihy’s Bibliography


Wisdom’s Journey: Living the Spirit of Islam in the Modern World (World Wisdom, 2009)

Borderlands of the Spirit: Reflections on a Sacred Science of Mind (World Wisdom, 2005)

Near and Distant Horizons (Sophia Perennis, 2005)

Modern Man at the Crossroads: The Encounter of Modern Science and Traditional Knowledge (Kazi Publications, 1999)

Veils and Keys: Possiblities of a Contemporary Spirituality in the Light of Traditional Islamic Wisdom (A. S. Noordeen, 1998)

In search of the truth: Contemporary reflections on traditional Islamic themes (Dewan Pustaka Islam, 1990)

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