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Light from the East
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Light from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern West
Light from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern West
Click cover for larger image.
Comparative Religion

Price:  $23.95

ISBN:  978-1-933316-22-2
Book Size:  6 × 9
# of Pages:  360
Language:  English


Light from the East is an anthology of writings illuminating the ways in which the modern Western world has assimilated aspects of Eastern philosophy and spirituality. It includes essays by leading traditionalist authors such as René Guénon , Ananda Coomaraswamy , and Frithjof Schuon as well as contributions from some of the pivotal figures in this intellectual and spiritual encounter. The question which underpins the anthology as a whole is what lessons the modern West might most profitably derive from the traditions of the East. Light from the East is a companion piece to Journey’s East: 20th Century Western Encounters with Eastern Religious Traditions (World Wisdom 2004).

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Detailed Description of Light from the East

Light from the East is an anthology of writings illuminating the ways in which the modern Western world has assimilated aspects of Eastern philosophy and spirituality. It includes essays by leading traditionalist authors such as René Guénon , Ananda Coomaraswamy , and Frithjof Schuon as well as contributions from some of the pivotal figures in this intellectual and spiritual encounter. The question which underpins the anthology as a whole is what lessons the modern West might most profitably derive from the traditions of the East. Light from the East is a companion piece to Journey’s East: 20th Century Western Encounters with Eastern Religious Traditions (World Wisdom 2004).

About the Author(s)

Harry Oldmeadow

Harry Oldmeadow was co-ordinator of Philosophy and Religious Studies at La Trobe University in Australia and author of the acclaimed Traditionalism: Religion in the Light of the Perennial Philosophy (2000), an authoritative introduction to the perspective of Perennialism. Prof. Oldmeadow's contributions to World Wisdom books & DVDs include:

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Reviews of Light from the East

"Professor Oldmeadow brings together penetrating intellectual essays, personal reflections upon lived religious practices, and heartfelt calls for harmony and understanding. This book is a worthy companion to Professor Oldmeadow’s magnificent Journeys East and a valuable anthology in its own right."
Timothy Scott, author of The Symbolism of the Ark

"Harry Oldmeadow deserves our congratulations for producing a diverse yet integrated anthology of judicious selections from the works of scholars on the cusp of the East-West dialogue, thereby also disproving that selection must involve distortion. Almost each selection is characterised by an enticing combination—as potent as it is rare—of severity of analysis with the compassion of synthesis."
Arvind Sharma, author of A Guide to Hindu Spirituality

"If proof had been needed that the Perennial Philosophy has not disappeared in our age and time, this collection of important writings of mostly well-known authors would offer it. Its universality is demonstrated by the great diversity in the backgrounds of the writers and the variety of disciplines represented. The anthology amply demonstrates the editor's thesis that it was the encounter with the East that kept the West in touch with its own great spiritual traditions."
Klaus K. Klostermaier, University of Manitoba

"Professor Oldmeadow’s excellent anthology provides the reader with direct and immediate access to the writings of a large number of the exponents of the "Perennial Philosophy", including such leading figures as René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, and Titus Burckhardt. It is a major convenience to have so many profound philosophical and religious writings within the covers of one book."

William Stoddart, editor of The Essential Writings of Titus Burckhardt

"This companion to Journeys East offers to the serious reader a marvelous pilgrimage trough the truly primordial wisdom of Asia and a much pristine opening toward the Religio Perennis, “the underlying religion.” After introductive articles by the three lights of the Traditionalist School and authoritative spokesmen of “intrinsic orthodoxy,” Dr. Olmeadow allows authentic spiritual seekers and prominent scholars to speak with their own voice of their own encounter with the Eastern Light.

Renaud Fabbri, editor of Vincit Omnia Veritas Journal

"More than ever we need to see clearly what is true and universal within the culturally varied faiths of humankind. For that, Oldmeadow has given us Light from the East. This is a skillful collection of trenchant, uncompromising and illuminating essays by extraordinarily discerning minds."
Philip Novak, Program in Philosophy and Religion, Dominican University of California

"In this valuable book Harry Oldmeadow has brought together an outstanding group of spiritual pioneers. Many were among the first Westerners to grasp the universal dimensions of Asian religious traditions. Not only were they seekers; they were also finders. Wisdom has long been associated with light. In Buddhism, the ultimate nature of mind is compared to clear light, and the realization of that mind is called enlightenment. Light from the East draws us toward a place beyond any division of East and West."
Kenneth Kraft, author of The Wheel of Engaged Buddhism: A New Map of the Path

"This selection is thought provoking and challenging, there are pieces which are strongly analytical and clear in their stance and others which encourage dialogue and interaction. This diversity of opinion within a perennial framework makes this a well presented anthology. These are not superficial essays, but carefully chosen works helping us to appreciate the deep wisdom within the Eastern tradition.

The underlying question that this work attempts to answer is how we, in the west, can access the living heart of eastern wisdom and apply it within the modern world. This work is hence timely, poignant and challenging. I recommend it highly."
Robert Black, Living Traditions May 2007

Harry Oldmeadow edits Light from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern West, a collection of essays which discuss why different, specific elements of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism have appealed to Western seekers. Chapters come from faith leaders in different Eastern circles and draw together aspects of encounters with masters and master philosophers.
Midwest Book Review, The Bookwatch June 2007

Table of Contents for Light from the East

Harry Oldmeadow Introduction

1. Principles: The Formal Diversity and Inner Unity of Traditions

Ananda Coomaraswamy The Vedanta and Western Tradition
René Guénon Oriental Metaphysics
Frithjof Schuon Self-Knowledge and the Western Seeker
His Holiness the Dalai Lama A Wish for Harmony
Whitall Perry Anti-Theology and the Riddles of Alcyone

2. In the Tracks of Eastern Wisdom

Marco PallisThe Tibetan Tradition: Its Presiding Idea
Huston Smith Taoism
Philip Kapleau The Private Encounter with the Master
Lynna Dhanani An Introduction to Jainism
Swami Abhishiktananda Sannyasa
John Paraskevopoulos The Absolute in the Mahayana and the Pure Land Way

3. Art, Symbolism and the Language of Silence

Titus Burckhardt Hindu Art
Thomas Merton The Buddha Figures at Polonurrawa
Anagarika Govinda Tibetan Sacred Music
Jean Cooper The Symbolism of the Taoist Garden
Gustie Herrigel The Substance of the Teaching
Jean Biès Sacredness

4. Eastern Light on Modern Predicaments

Ananda Coomaraswamy Sri Ramakrishna and Religious Tolerance
Rama P. Coomaraswamy Who Speaks for the East?
Aldous Huxley Reflections on Time
Thomas Merton Gandhi and the One-Eyed Giant
Ian Watson Hindu Cosmology and Modern Science
Gary Snyder On the Path, Off the Trail
Diana Eck The Imagined Community

Biographical Note

Selection from our Library about Light from the East
 TitleSourceAuthor 1Author 2Subject WW HTMLWW PDFExternal Link
The Symbolism of the Taoist GardenStudies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 11, No. 4. (Autumn, 1977); also in the book "Light from the East"Cooper, Jean C Art, Eastern Religion, Environment and Nature, Symbolism
Who Speaks for the East?Light from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern WestCoomaraswamy, Rama P. Comparative Religion, Modernism, Tradition
The Vedanta and Western TraditionLight from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern WestCoomaraswamy, Ananda Comparative Religion
TaoismLight from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern WestSmith, Huston Eastern Religion
A Wish for HarmonyLight from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern WestDalai Lama, HH the Buddhism
Introduction to Light from the EastLight from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern WestOldmeadow, Harry Eastern Religion
Oriental MetaphysicsLight From The East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern WestGuénon, René Metaphysics
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