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"The pipe was first given to the Lakotas by the God…The spirit of the God is in the smoke of any pipe if the pipe is smoked in the proper manner…The filling of the pipe is an important part of the ceremony. One may pray or sing while filling it…If the pipe is not filled and lighted in this manner, the spirit of the God will not be in the smoke from the pipe. The pipe should be smoked until the contents are all consumed…The remains in the pipe thus smoked should be emptied into a fire, for if it is emptied on the ground it may be stepped on and this would offend the God. When a pipe is smoked in this manner, the spirit that is in the smoke goes with it into the mouth and body and then it comes out and goes upward. When this spirit is in the body, it soothes the spirit of the smoker. When it goes upward, it soothes the God. So the God and the spirit are as friends…The Lakota should smoke the pipe first when considering any matter of importance…The first rite in any ceremony of the Lakotas should be to smoke the pipe…When anyone performs a ceremony after he has smoked the pipe, he should please the God so that the God will give attention to the ceremony."

Sword, Sioux

Sword, Sioux

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