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Father John tells us that anyone who has experienced some aspect of deserted-ness, loneliness, brokenness, breakdown or break-up-whether emotionally, physically or socially-will connect with the profound humanity of the Desert Fathers and Mothers.
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The words of spiritual counsel, which form the heart of In the Heart of the Desert, are as clear and timeless as the desert stars on a winter night. Not only do the sayings of the Desert Fathers possess the imprint of eternity, but the fresh and vital commentary by Father John Chryssavgis brings these ancient words into sharp focus; it brings them fully to life and provides a key which unlocks their relevance for the reader of today. This book is a well of wisdom from which anyone who finds himself in the desert of his own soul may drink freely from the water of life.

In the Heart of the Desert also includes a foreword by Benedicta Ward, SLG, editor of the acclaimed collection Sayings of the Desert Fathers: The Alphabetical Collection (Cistercian Publications), and a noted expert in this fascinating area of Christian history and ageless wisdom.

"The desert can be a fearful and imposing place without a guide, and Fr. Chryssavgis takes the reader through the rugged yet beautiful terrain of desert spirituality with clarity and empathy. The fathers and mothers of early Christian Egypt come alive in this fine study, with the added benefit of an original translation of the "Reflections" of Abba Zosimus. If I were to recommend a single book to introduce the spiritual riches of the desert--solitude, silence, humility, detachment, tears and the encounter with the living God--this would be the book."

—Robert Fastiggi, Sacred Heart Major Seminary
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