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  Who was Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa)? Back to the List of Slideshows
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Charles Eastman then enrolled as a medical student at Boston University. He graduated in 1890 with his medical degree and the honor of being the orator of his class. He had spent a total of 17 years in primary, secondary, college, and professional education, much less time than is usually required for most students. And, it should be remembered, he had only started formal studies, including English, at age 15!

During his studies in the East he had made the acquaintance of many prominent people who would later help him further his career. With such help, his first position was as Government Physician for the Sioux at the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota. He was there before, during, and after the "Ghost Dance" rebellion of 1890-1891, and he cared for the wounded Indians after the massacre at Wounded Knee.

In 1891 Charles Eastman married.
Pine Ridge Agency, 1890
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