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What is Sacred Art?
Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Spirituality
Insights into the early Christian Desert Fathers and Mothers
Where to look to "see God Everywhere"?
Spiritual Poetry
Science and the Myth of Progress
Spiritual Masters - East & West Series
Ernest Thompson Seton explains "The Gospel of the Redman"
How can we understand Native American traditions?
William C. Chittick explores "The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi"
  Spiritual Poetry Back to the List of Slideshows
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Nothing is without voice:
God everywhere can hear
Arising from creation
His praise and echo clear.
You travel far and wide
To scout and see and search;
If God you fail to see,
You have nothing observed.

— Angelus Silesius
"Arising from creation
His praise and echo…"
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