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Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam
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Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam
Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam
Click cover for larger image.
Spiritual Life

Price:  $18.95

ISBN:  978-1-935493-10-5
Book Size:  6 × 9
# of Pages:  240
Language:  English

This, the first book in English from an authority on Sufism, Éric Geoffroy, introduces Sufism from many angles and from its origins up to the present day. Geoffroy sees Sufism as a unique lens through which we can view the spirituality that lies behind the forms of Islam. Having its source in the Koran and in the prophetic Tradition, Sufism’s goal is to deliver practitioners from the negative human passions, and the illusions, that beset them. This book covers the history of Sufism from its earliest days up until our own times, touching on the many significant people, practices, ideas, and controversies that have shaped it. It also highlights Sufism’s universal aspects, which are a powerful antidote to various fundamentalisms. Geoffroy’s special treatment of the subject balances the voices of long ago (e.g. Ibn ‘Arabī, Rūmī, Hallāj, and Ghazzālī) with many contemporary voices to cover a remarkable scope of topics essential to a full understanding of authentic Sufism. The work concludes with the prospects for contemporary Sufism and with its increasing role in the West.


  • Winner in the “Religion: Islam/Sufism” category of The USA "Best Books 2011" Awards, sponsored by USA Book News
  • Winner of the ForeWord Book of the Year Gold Medal in the “Social Science” category; finalist in the “History” category

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Detailed Description of "Introduction to Sufism"

This, the first book in English from an authority on Sufism, Éric Geoffroy, introduces Sufism from many angles and from its origins up to the present day. Geoffroy sees Sufism as a unique lens through which we can view the spirituality that lies behind the forms of Islam. Having its source in the Koran and in the prophetic Tradition, Sufism’s goal is to deliver practitioners from the negative human passions, and the illusions, that beset them. This book covers the history of Sufism from its earliest days up until our own times, touching on the many significant people, practices, ideas, and controversies that have shaped it. It also highlights Sufism’s universal aspects, which are a powerful antidote to various fundamentalisms. Geoffroy’s special treatment of the subject balances the voices of long ago (e.g. Ibn ‘Arabī, Rūmī, Hallāj, and Ghazzālī) with many contemporary voices to cover a remarkable scope of topics essential to a full understanding of authentic Sufism. The work concludes with the prospects for contemporary Sufism and with its increasing role in the West.


  • Winner in the “Religion: Islam/Sufism” category of The USA "Best Books 2011" Awards, sponsored by USA Book News
  • Winner of the ForeWord Book of the Year Gold Medal in the “Social Science” category; finalist in the “History” category

About the Author(s)

Eric Geoffroy

Éric Geoffroy is a scholar, translator, educator, and writer who is Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Strasbourg, France. He also teaches at the Open University of Catalonia, at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), and at the International Institute of Islamic Thought (Paris). Dr. Geoffroy specializes in Islam and its mystical dimension, Sufism, often focusing on aspects of sainthood. Among others areas, his research also extends to comparative mysticism, and to issues of spirituality in the contemporary world (e.g. spirituality and globalization; spirituality and ecology, etc.). In addition, he is a member of an international research group on Science and Religion in Islam, through the Université Interdisciplinaire of Paris.

Recently, World Wisdom published the first full book in English to appear by Dr. Eric Geoffroy. Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam, is a translation of his French book Initiation au soufisme. An excerpt from that book was also included in the World Wisdom collection Sufism: Love and Wisdom .

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Roger Gaetani

Roger Gaetani is an editor, educator, and student of world religions who lives in Bloomington, Indiana. He has co-edited, with Jean-Louis Michon , the World Wisdom anthology on Sufism, Sufism: Love and Wisdom . He directed and produced the DVD compilation of highlights of the 2006 conference on Traditionalism, Tradition in the Modern World: Sacred Web 2006 Conference , and has edited the book A Spirit of Tolerance: The Inspiring Life of Tierno Bokar by Amadou Hampâté Bâ. Roger Gaetani translated (from the original French) and edited the book Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam, by Eric Geoffroy. Mr. Gaetani’s most recent contribution to World Wisdom is Universal Aspects of the Kabbalah and Judaism by Leo Schaya, which he edited and for which he wrote the “Editor’s Preface.”

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Reviews of Introduction to Sufism: The Inner Path of Islam

“In this English translation of his book, Geoffroy (Marc Bloch-Strasbourg II Univ., France) offers yet another introduction to the complex phenomenon of Sufism across space and time. He demonstrates his command of the field through the wealth of materials provided and includes many quotations from and references to key Sufi texts and thinkers.…”
—from a review by J. Hammer, George Mason University, in CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

“Both seekers and scholars will find that this book, besides being wide-ranging and well researched, has a rare attribute: by articulating so well the disputes between the scholars of the letter of the divine Law and Sufis, and then between different currents within Sufism itself, Dr. Geoffroy has given us a book that lends itself like few others to discussion and debate. We can easily imagine lively conversations, whether in college classrooms or in readers’ living rooms, framed by the contents of this volume.”
Roger Gaetani, co-editor of Sufism: Love and Wisdom, from the “Translator’s Foreword”

Contents of "Introduction to Sufism""

Translator’s Foreword

Note on Transliteration Preface

CHAPTER 1: Fundamentals


A Mysticism?

Knowledge and Love

Who is the Sufi?

A Reality without a Name

The Science of Spiritual States

The Initiatory Path

Goals of the Sufi

•  Purifying the Soul

•  Knowing God

•  Union with God, or “Extinguishing Oneself” in Him?

•  Dying to Oneself, and Living Again Through Him


A Rich Pallet of Spiritual Types

Sufi Literature

Inward Alchemy


Doctrinal Affinities

Two Rival Esoterisms


The Eternal Feminine in Islamic Mysticism

The Effects of the Male Ambience


Sufism is a Kind of Quietism, and is the Egotistical Search for Individual Salvation

Sufism is a Popular Religion, Conceived as a Reaction to the Legalism of “Orthodox” Islam

CHAPTER 2: Sufism and Islam


The Fundamentally Koranic Character of Sufism


“To Combine One’s Flesh and Blood with the Koran”

The Sufi Travels His Path Through the Book

A Multitude of Meanings: Sufi Exegesis

The Hadīh Qudsī, or “Divine Utterance”


“Sufis are Those Who Follow the Path of the Messenger of God and Strive to Acquire His Noble Virtues”

The Prophet as Primordial Light

The Reality of Muhammad, Mediator between the Divine and Human Realms

The Inner Sunna

Sufism and Prophetic Tradition (Hadīth)

The Master of Masters

Devotion to the Prophet


Islam, Īmān, Ihsān

Sufism Illuminates the Five Pillars

Sufism, or Plenary Islam


A Law for Sufis Only?

The Science of “Unveiling”, the Science of Sharī‘a

A Living Law

CHAPTER 3: Sufism in Islamic Culture: Historical Perspective


A Foundational Attitude: The Ascetic Renunciation of the World

The “Path of Blame” (Malāma): From Concealment to Provocation

From Asceticism to Mysticism

Bistāmī, the Epitome of “Intoxication”

The Baghdad “School” of Sufism (Ninth-Tenth Centuries)

Hakim Tirmidhī: Between Prophecy and Sainthood


Successors of Junayd and Hallāj

The Four Founders of the Legal Schools and Sufism


Legal Scholars, Traditionnists, Sufis: Assertion of Identities

Radiance from Khurasan (Tenth-Eleventh Centuries)

•  Sufism and Shafi ism

•  Manuals of Sufism

Ghazzālī: The Supremacy of Spiritual Intuition over Reason

The Persistence of the Mysticism of “Intoxication”


Iranian Mystical Poetry (Twelfth-Fifteenth Centuries): ‘Attār, Rūmī, and Others

Rūmī: Music and Dance

Turkish Mystical Poetry: Yūnus Emre

Arabic Mystical Poetry: Ibn ‘Arabī and Ibn al-Fārid

The Necessity of Interpreting Mystical Poetry

Sufi Terminology

Ibn ‘Arabī and the Metaphysics of Being

Ibn Sab‘īn, or Oneness Without Compromise

CREATING A STRUCTURE FOR SUFISM (Twelfth-Fifteenth Centuries)

The Formation of the “Initiatory Paths” (Tarīqa)

•  Iraq

•  Central Asia and Iran

•  India

•  Muslim Spain and the Maghreb

•  Egypt and Syria

•  Anatolia

•  The Caucasus


Recognition of Sufism by the Ulama

Sufism is Prominent as the Spirituality of Sunni Islam

Hanbalism and Sufism

Places of Sufi Social Interactions

The “Cult of Saints”

The Esoteric Governance of the World

SUFISM AND REFORMISM (Eighteenth-Twentieth Centuries)

A Decline of Sufism?

The Search for Original Purity (Eighteenth-Nineteenth Centuries): Sufism and Wahhabism

The Muhammadian Path

Renewed Paths and New Paths

Lesser Jihād and Greater Jihād

•  The Sudanese Mahdī

•  Emir ‘Abd al-Qādir

Sufi Reformism at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: Amadou Bamba and the Shaykh al-‘Alawī

Sufism: A Fertile Ground for “Salafī” Reformism

Sufism and Islamicism in the Twentieth Century: Politicization

“Sufi Scholars” in Contemporary Times

CHAPTER 4: Sufism As It Is Lived


A Necessary Relationship

An Excessive Veneration?

A Reciprocal Code of Conduct

A Single Master

A Second Birth

Sufi Psychology, or the “Science of the Soul”

Succession and Delegation of Authority


Initiatory Rites

•  The “Investiture of the Cloak” (Khirqa)

•  “Making the Pact” (‘Ahd, Bay‘a)

•  “The Secret Teaching of Formulas of Invocation” (Talqīn)

From True Aspirant to Simple Associate

A Fluid World: Multiple Affiliations

Uwaysi Initiation


Correct Inner Attitudes

•  Food

•  Clothing

•  Sleep

•  Travel

Between Brothers

A Rule for Community Life


The Invocation (Dhikr)

•  The Highest Form of Worship

•  Formulas of the Invocation

•  From the Dhikr of the Tongue to that of Inner Consciousness

The Invocation of the Tongue (Dhikr al-Lisān)

The Invocation of the Heart (Dhikr al-Qalb)

The Invocation of the Inner Consciousness (Dhikr al-Sirr)

•  Aloud, or in Silence?

•  Group Sessions of Dhikr


The Echo of the Divine Word

•  Subtlety and Ambiguity of Sam

•  A Joyful and Widespread Practice

Litanies and Prayers

The Retreat (Khalwa)

•  Rules of the Retreat

•  Not to Stop at Supernatural Phenomena

•  The “Retreat in the Midst of the Crowd”

CHAPTER 5: Sufism and Interreligious Openness

Religious Pluralism in Islam

The Transcendent Unity of Religions

The Legacy of Prophetic Pluralism

The “Hidden Idolatry” of Common Believers

The Temptation of Syncretism

The Pressures of Exoterism and History

Conclusion: Sufism Yesterday, Sufism Today

The “Degeneration of Time”

The Illness of “Brotherhoodism”

Adapting to Cyclical Conditions

Towards a Restructuring of the Roles of Sufism

The Messianic Adventure

Sufism in the West


Index of Technical Terms (Islamic and Sufi)

Index of Proper Names (Major People, Groups, Ethnic Groups, and Dynasties)

Biographical Notes

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