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Inspirational Metaphysics Poetry
Price: $13.95
ISBN: 0-941532-31-3
Book Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
# of Pages: 168
Language: English/German Bilingual Edition
Frithjof Schuon has been called metaphysical music. Every poem in this collection -- drawn from more than three thousand poems written during the closing years of his life -- is a true compass pointing the reader time and again to Schuon’s fundamental theme: the Remembrance of God. These small gems are as profound as the sea and as simple as water itself. Schuon repeatedly traces the journey of a soul which has found its celestial homeland and views the play of this world from the perspective of Eternity. Like the stars, these poems strike the reader as both old and new. They echo the primordial melodies of Being and communicate a message of certitude and serenity for every person who longs for spiritual light.
Schuon’s poetry, which possesses both formal integrity and mystical abandon, is the flowering of a soul deeply in love with the Reality of God. His poems are born not from mental effort but from a deep interior vision, and he sings of seeing God everywhere in the simple, radiant language of one who stands alone before the Creator. The spiritual traveler may carry this book for a lifetime and not exhaust its content because its content is the inexhaustibly beautiful life of the Spirit.
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The poetry of Frithjof Schuon has been called metaphysical music. Every poem in this collection -- drawn from more than three thousand poems written during the closing years of his life -- is a true compass pointing the reader time and again to Schuon’s fundamental theme: the Remembrance of God. These small gems are as profound as the sea and as simple as water itself. Schuon repeatedly traces the journey of a soul which has found its celestial homeland and views the play of this world from the perspective of Eternity. Like the stars, these poems strike the reader as both old and new. They echo the primordial melodies of Being and communicate a message of certitude and serenity for every person who longs for spiritual light.
Schuon’s poetry, which possesses both formal integrity and mystical abandon, is the flowering of a soul deeply in love with the Reality of God. His poems are born not from mental effort but from a deep interior vision, and he sings of seeing God everywhere in the simple, radiant language of one who stands alone before the Creator. The spiritual traveler may carry this book for a lifetime and not exhaust its content because its content is the inexhaustibly beautiful life of the Spirit.
There is no time in the nature of God;
Nor in the encounter with the Lord.
The moment of prayer is eternity –
It stands in the sky like the morning star;
In the now of the heart lies thy whole life.
Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998) is best known as the foremost spokesman of the “Traditionalist” or “Perennialist” school and as a philosopher in the metaphysical current of Shankara and Plato. He wrote more than two dozen books on metaphysical, spiritual, artistic, and ethnic themes and was a regular contributor to journals on comparative religion in both Europe and America. Schuon’s writings have been consistently featured and reviewed in a wide range of scholarly and philosophical publications around the world, respected by both scholars and spiritual authorities. Besides his prose writings, Schuon was also a prolific poet ( see a listing of Schuon's poetry books) and a gifted painter of images that always portrayed the beauty and power of the divine, and the nobility and virtue of primordial humanity.
World Wisdom features a series titled "The Writings of Frithjof Schuon", which includes many new editions of classic books by Schuon in new translations and with additional materials. Our online Library contains many articles and poems written by Frithjof Schuon, allowing readers to see a representative sample of his remarkable body of work.
Click here for more information
"Mystical experience almost inevitably leads to poetry. The great mystics all over the world used the language of poetry when trying to beckon to a mystery that lies beyond the normal human expression, and the most glorious works in Eastern and Western religions are the hymns of the mystics, be they Sufis or Christians, Hindus or Zen monks... We are not surprised that Frithjof Schuon too felt comelled to write poetry... Here we listen to the thinker who, far from the complicated scholarly sentences of his learned prose works, sings prayers of the longing soul... These tenfer lyrics shows the famous thinker in a very different light and from an unexpected side."
— Annemarie Schimmel - Professor Emeritus, Harvard University
"The beauty of Schuon's poetry touches upon that luminous center where the way of knowledge and the path of love converge."
—Patrick Laude, Georgetown University
- Foreword
- Songs
- Index of First Lines
As an Entry
Out of my heart flowed many songs; I sought them not, they were inspired in me. O may the sound of the God-given harp Purify the soul and raise us to Heaven —
May the light of wisdom unite With love to accompany our striving, And may our souls find grace —
The path from God to God — in eternity.
Ad astra — to the stars — the soul is striving, Called by an unstilled longing. O path of Truth and Beauty that I choose — Of God-remembrance that fills the soul!
Thou art the song that stills all longing — The Light of Grace; shine into my heart! The Lord is our Refuge and our Shield —
Be thou with Him and He will be with thee.
The Creator clothed the wide world In a garment of enigmas; Beauty seeks to pierce the illusion of existence, Just as a meteor cuts through the night.
Truth, a ray of the Godhead, Has rent the darkness of our soul; Happy the one in whose heart the light of the Most-High Reigns like a ray of the morning sun.
Truth and Devotion. Truth is the light That descends from God to Earth; And Devotion is the incense, that rises From us to the Highest Good.
Devotion — a sound, a wondrous word, Fragrant with love and holy silence; A magic word, whose beauty is enough To convince us of the power of Truth.
The Most High knows what thy soul needs Here below, where thou must conform to the world — So be thou the incense that rises toward God.
Because Thou art my God, I call Thee — Thou wilt not abandon me. Thou art the Refuge, yea, the Sovereign Good — Who can fathom the Highest?
And though the world should fall asunder — Thou ever wouldst remain. I know not what the world is, what I am — I only know, I love.
The Eye
An eye that opens and then closes — Such is the life that seems endless to thee. It shines with happiness, and its tears flow — No eye exists that never wept.
The eye looks deeply into the world — So may life’s gaze perceive the True, and understand The opposition between nothingness and Light — May thine eye direct its gaze toward God!
Morning shivers over the cypresses, A last dream-image is scattered by the wind. The lark arises and sings its song of love, While the early star still stands in the sky.
Understand, O soul, what gentle beauty says: God’s Goodness is the substance of creation. Let thy deepest heart remember this — From dawn to the final hour.