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Peter Kingsley’s life and work
This site includes Peter Kingsley’s biography, photos, and more.
Peter Kingsley
Peter  Kingsley
Detailed Information on Peter Kingsley

Biography of Peter Kingsley

Peter Kingsley is an internationally renowned expert on the philosophical and mystical roots of the Western tradition, especially in Parmenides and Empedocles. Kingsley works with the sacred tradition that gave birth to the western world. His revolutionary understanding of the history as well as the destiny of western civilization has changed many people on the deepest level — transforming their awareness not only of who they are but also of their purpose in the modern world. He works closely with Native American elders as well as representatives of other spiritual traditions, and is an honorary professor at both Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and the University of New Mexico. He lives with his wife Maria in North Carolina. For further information visit

Kingsley contributed the artcile "The Path of the Ancients: A Sacred Tradition Between East and West" to the forthcoming World Wisdom book, Crossing Religious Frontiers.

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