The mission of man is to introduce the Absolute into the relative, if one may use so elliptical an expression; since man has all too often failed in his mission, this is also therefore the role of Revelation and the Avatâras as well as of miracles. In a miracle as in other theophanies, the veil of Mâyâ is symbolically torn; the miracle, the Prophet, wisdom are metaphysically necessary, for it is inconceivable that they should not appear within the world of man; and man himself comprises all these aspects in relationship to the terrestrial world, of which he is the center and opening toward Heaven, or pontifex. The meaning of human life — to paraphrase a Christian formula expressing reciprocity between man and God — is to realize that Âtmâ became Mâyâ that Mâyâ might become Âtmâ. (Excerpted from page 82.)