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Shinran (1173-1262) is the founder of the Jôdo Shinshû Pure Land Buddhist tradition in Japan during the Kamakura period. This movement, once set in motion, eventually became the largest Buddhist sect in Japan and spread to the West at the end of the nineteenth century.

With these translations of the writings of Shinran the Shin Buddhist tradition can now be explored in depth by western scholars, religious students and seekers, and by members of the tradition. To facilitate this process, The Essential Teachings of Shinran has drawn together important passages and insights of Shinran which are set against the background of his life and spiritual legacy.

Editor Alfred Bloom is one of the world's foremost authorities on the study of Shin Buddhism. He taught World Religions and Buddhism at the University of Oregon and the University of Hawaii and has written many books and articles on Shin Buddhism and spirituality in general. Prof. Bloom was Dean at the Institute of Buddhist Studies, sponsored by the Buddhist Churches of America. He is an ordained Shin priest.
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