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The Gospel of the Redman was written by Ernest Thompson Seton. Seton was a prolific writer, artist and student of nature. Co-founder of the Boy Scouts, Mr. Seton had a deep respect for the environment which is demonstrated throughout his numerous books about plants and wildlife. This book, which focuses on the spirituality of American Indians, has been praised as exemplifying the principles of numerous religions. Mr. Seton's thought provoking observations about the spirituality of a people who were at the time, considered savages and heathens, makes this book truly unusual. His praise for a civilization based on nature and community, not one focused on “money greed” like that of white men allows the reader a unique chance to experience American Indian values through Seton’s eyes, thus making this book applicable to readers of all backgrounds.

"How good it is to see the thoughtful tributes of Mr. Seton brought forth for a new generation of readers. We so desperately need the Native wisdom in these times."
—James Alexander Thom, author of Follow the River and Warrior Woman: The Exceptional Life Story of Nonhelema, Shawnee Indian Woman Chief

"…The authors [of this book] inform their readers about the richness of the Native American way of life—all too often ignored by the dominant white culture—with a devotion to detail that celebrates the contributions of the First Americans."
ForeWord Reviews
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