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The Perennial Philosophy Series
Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Spirituality
The Fullness of God: Frithjof Schuon on Christianity
Books about Buddhism
A Definition of the Perennial Philosophy
What are the "Foundations of Christian Art?"
What is "Christian Spirit"?
The Writings of Frithjof Schuon
Exploring "Timeless in Time" - a biography of Sri Ramana Maharshi
Paul Goble's World: Native Americans' relationship to all created beings
  William C. Chittick explores "The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi" Back to the List of Slideshows
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“I said to my heart, ‘How is it
My heart, that in foolishness
You are barred from the service
Of Him whose name you bless?’

My heart replied, ‘You do wrong
To misread me in this way,
I am constant in His service,
You are the one astray.’”


“To know the heart in its inmost essence is to know God, and to the degree that one truly knows God, one is not other than He, for a being defined by relativity cannot know the Absolute. To know God, one must ‘become’ God, by ceasing to exist in that mode of being which separates man from Him, or by no longer being defined by the limitations of that state.”

“I gazed into my own heart; There I saw Him; He was nowhere else.”—Rumi
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