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The Perennial Philosophy Series
Books about Buddhism
Noble Faces, Strong Voices: Exploring "The Spirit of Indian Women"
Ernest Thompson Seton explains "The Gospel of the Redman"
Spiritual Poetry
Every Branch In Me: Who are we as "human" beings?
What are the "Foundations of Christian Art?"
A Definition of the Perennial Philosophy
Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Spirituality
Paul Goble's World: Native Americans' relationship to all created beings
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This collection of essays by aims at explaining, discussing, and developing in a new key, the spiritual, philosophical and artistic patrimony of the Christian tradition in its intellectually challenging dimension - as well as to consider its future possibilities. Behind the book lies the belief that one of the main factors responsible for the contemporary decadence, lack of vigor, and indeed the tragic crisis, of traditional religion is the indifference that is shown towards its sapiential or “knowledge” dimension.

The essays here envisage religion primarily as knowledge of a sacred character - not as “social service” nor as a merely ethical system. The authors of the Perennial Philosophy here support the vision that the intellective dimension is central to the human being; knowledge, profoundly understood, is the very heart of man.
"A brilliant selection of seminal and at times provocative texts bearing upon 'Christianity and the Perennial Philosophy', this is an anthology no serious student can afford to miss."
—Wolfgang Smith
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