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  The Perennial Philosophy Series Back to the List of Slideshows
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Every Branch in Me: Essays on the Meaning of Man, edited by Barry McDonald, is a collection of articles by leading perennialist authors that are unified by a single theme: nothing that is properly human can be separated from the essential spiritual nature of man. The subject matter of this book, therefore, may be termed "spiritual anthropology."

The specific topics are diverse, touching upon many important aspects of human experience, including the meaning of work, the role of laughter in spiritual life, relying upon God during a time of illness, the spiritual significance of clothing and the importance of seeking a spiritual guide. All of these essays, however, affirm with a single voice that man may only truly exist in relation to God's Being, and that at his center man possesses a nature which is in the image of God.

Every Branch In Me: Essays on the Meaning of Man is an anthology of profound, thought-provoking essays that search for the essence and purpose of existence in human life itself. Regarding various religious teachings, modern history, and philosophical dilemmas with evenhanded scrutiny, these essays stretch the boundaries of commonly held wisdom in search of a deeper unifying truth.
"Every Branch In Me  is an impressive compilation and highly recommended reading for students of religion, philosophy, and metaphysics."

—Midwest Book Review

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