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"Did you know that trees talk? Well they do. They talk to each other, and they’ll talk to you if you listen. I have learned a lot from trees: sometimes about the weather, sometimes about animals, sometimes about the Great Spirit."
Walking Buffalo, Stoney

At daybreak, I roam,
Running, I roam.
At daybreak, I roam,
Trotting, I roam.
At daybreak, I roam,
Timidly, I roam.
At daybreak, I roam,
Watching cautiously, I roam.

"I am particularly fond of the little groves of oak trees along the rivers. I love to look at them, and to feel a reverence for them, because they endure the wintry storm and the summer’s heat, and—not unlike ourselves—they seem to thrive and flourish by them."
Sitting Bull, Lakota

"Did you know that trees talk?"
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