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When the Light of God first manifesteth itself in the soul, it shineth forth as light from a candle, and kindleth the outward light of reason immediately; yet it yieldeth not itself wholly up to reason, so as to be under the dominion of the outward man. No, the outward man beholdeth himself in this through-shining luster, as he doth his likeness in a looking-glass, whereby he presently learneth to know himself.

Jacob Boehme (1575-1624)

What is the source of patience?
What is the source of faith, of hope, of charity?
The same compassion that gives birth to mercy.
What frees the soul from herself and binds her to You?
This compassion achieved in the light.
O lovely compassion achieved in the light.
O compassion,
you are a balm that snuffs out rage and cruelty in the soul.
This compassion, Compassionate Father,
I beg You to give to all creatures,
especially to those You have given me to love with a special love.

Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
Sainte Chapelle
(Paris, France; High Gothic style)
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