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Light on the Ancient Worlds: A Brief Survey of the Book by Frithjof Schuon
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Paul Goble's World: Native Americans' relationship to all created beings
Spiritual Masters - East & West Series
Where to look to "see God Everywhere"?
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The Universal Spirit of Islam: Keys for Interfaith Understanding
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  Where to look to "see God Everywhere"? Back to the List of Slideshows
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For Reza Shah-Kazemi not only is beauty itself a Divine archetype but necessarily, the experiencing of beauty must also have its correlative on a transcendent plane.  Thus every experience of beauty is an opportunity, to be fulfilled or lost, for the remembrance of God:
But whereas in the case of formal beauty, participation in the archetype is rigorously objective and unconditional, in the case of aesthetic experience, participation in the archetype is critically dependent on the subjective capacity of the individual to make of his experience a spiritual foretaste of heavenly felicity and thereby a “remembrance of God.”  Beautiful vision on earth should foreshadow the Beatific Vision in Heaven, it should heighten one’s resolution to conform to the requirements of this celestial reward; it should, in other words, lead one to God.  The experience of beauty, far from being a question of merely aesthetic sensibility, is essentially an invitation to union: union with the Divine Principle, which both projects Beauty and attracts by means of Beauty.  One speaks of being entranced, enthralled, enraptured by beauty: these terms clearly indicate the spiritual potential inherent in aesthetic experience, for the individual is not fully himself in the face of a beauty that overwhelms him; indeed, a certain mode of extinction can even be said to have taken place.
The lotus has been an invitation to and an inspiration in spiritual contemplation for millenia.
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