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Tayeb Chouiref’s life and work
This site includes Tayeb Chouiref’s biography, photos, and more.
Tayeb Chouiref
Tayeb  Chouiref
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Biography of Tayeb Chouiref

Tayeb Chouiref is a French scholar, translator and teacher. He is the author of The Spiritual Teachings of the Prophet (two volumes in French, 2008), an annotated collection of authoritative Prophetic traditions commented by masters of Islamic spirituality. He has translated from Arabic into French and commented upon the books Letters on the Prophet and other Letters on the Spiritual Path by Shaykh al-'Arabî al-Darqâwî, The Book of Science and The Book of Patience by al-Ghazâlî, and The Mahdî and his Advisors by Ibn 'Arabî. Tayeb Chouiref also teaches Arabic.

Chourief's article "Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawî and the Universalism of the Quran" appears in The Universal Dimensions of Islam.

Books/DVDs containing the work of Tayeb Chouiref

World Wisdom books with contributions from Tayeb Chouiref:

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