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  What is "Christian Spirit"? Back to the List of Slideshows

Christian Spirit  is a small book with superb color illustrations
and inspirational quotes from Christians across a
wide range of denominations, stressing the universal nature
of Christian spirituality.
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Christian Spirit  is a beautifully illustrated book of inspirational quotes taken from the writings and sayings of many great early Christians. It was published in 2004 by World Wisdom, and was edited and designed by Michael Fitzgerald and Judith Fitzgerald. This slideshow offers some samples of quotes and images from the book in the hope of giving readers a “perfume” of the full book and of the “Christian Spirit” to which the title alludes. The following is excerpted from the introduction of the book:
…The goal of this book is to provide a taste of both the spiritual wisdom and sacred art of Christianity during approximately the first one and a half millennia of its existence, beginning with the period immediately after the twelve Apostles.

One intention is to emphasize the unity that exists within all Christian spirituality.…We hope a deeper understanding of this common spiritual bond will bring Christians closer together. In a similar manner, introducing believers of other faiths to these masterpieces of sacred art and texts of Christian wisdom, we hope they will develop a deeper appreciation of the early Christian spirit.

For Christians, Christ is the manifestation of the Divine Logos—the Divine Truth on earth and “the Light of the world.” This luminous Truth continued to shine through the writings of great Christian sages and sacred artistic creations, which form a central part of the Christian spiritual tradition. This time-honored tradition, built over centuries, helps provide a guiding light to spiritual seekers because it refers us back to the Divine Truth that is the ultimate source of the religion.…The importance of turning to the great religions to find the spiritual light to purify and illuminate our actions cannot be over-emphasized. It is also increasingly difficult for those who acknowledge the existence of spiritual principles to remember them during the daily turmoil of our fast-paced society. We hope this book will become a daily inspirational companion to facilitate that remembrance.

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