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Islam Sufism
Price: $17.95
ISBN: 978-1-933316-50-5
Book Size: 6 x 9
# of Pages: 152
Language: English
Titus Burckhardt’s masterpiece, An Introduction to Sufi Doctrine, examines the essence of Islamic mysticism, or Sufism, presenting its central doctrines and methods to a western audience in a highly intelligible form. It was Burckhardt's first-hand knowledge of Sufism that qualified him to undertake pioneering and authoritative translations of Sufi classics by renowned authors such as Ibn Arabi.
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Titus Burckhardt (1908-1984) was a leading member of the “traditionalist” or “perennialist” school of comparative religious thought, well-known for its espousal of the “transcendent unity of religions.” Burckhardt was also an expert on Islam, Islamic arts and crafts, and its spiritual dimension, Sufism. It was his first-hand knowledge of Sufism that qualified him to undertake pioneering and authoritative translations of Sufi classics by renowned authors such as Ibn al-Arabi, Abd al-Karim al-Jili, and Mulay al-Arabi ad-Darqawi. Burckhardt’s little masterpiece, An Introduction to Sufi Doctrine, first published in French in 1959, is a distillation of the essence of Sufism, presenting its central doctrines and methods to a western audience in a highly intelligible form.
William C. Chittick is one of the most important contemporary translators and interpreters of Islamic mystical texts and poetry. He is a professor in the Department of Comparative Studies at the State University of New York, Stony Brook. Among his publications are The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi (1983), The Psalms of Islam (1988), The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn al-`Arabî's Cosmology (1998), Sufism: A Short Introduction (2000), and The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Dîn Kâshânî (2001). World Wisdom titles featuring Dr. Chittick:
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“Burckhardt was one of the most remarkable of the exponents of universal truth. . . This [book] is an intellectual masterpiece which analyzes comprehensively and with precision the nature of Esoterism as such.”
—William Stoddart, editor of The Essential Titus Burckhardt: Reflections on Sacred Art, Faiths, and Civilizations and author of Sufism: The Mystical Doctrines and Methods of Islam
“This book meant a great deal to me when I first discovered it as an undergraduate forty years ago. I had been studying the Orientalist books on Sufism and after three months had pretty much convinced myself that I knew the topic rather well. This book stopped me in my tracks.”
—William C. Chittick, State University of New York, from the forward
“As much as any Western scholar, Titus Burckhardt has brought to public attention the wisdom and beauty of the Sufi Way. . . . [This book is an] influential summary of the Philosophy of Sufism.”
—Sufism: An Inquiry
“Not only did he reveal the metaphysical truth of various traditional civilizations as expressed through the language of sacred art, but he also composed a number of illuminating works on Christian art, both in relation to the total vision of Christianity and to the traditional science which made the production of Christian sacred art possible.”
—Seyyed Hossein Nasr, editor of The Essential Frithjof Schuon
“It is indeed seldom that one has the privilege of reading a work by an author who has such mastery of his subject. . . . Titus Burckhardt is an authority whose works are a constant source of inspiration.”
—Martin Lings, formerly Keeper of Oriental Manuscripts at the British Museum
“Titus Burckhardt looks at Islam. . . with the eyes of a scholar who combines deep spiritual insight with the love of eternal Truth. Burckhardt’s writings reveal that this Truth is as fresh today as it was millennia ago, and that it will last as long as humans long to see the Divine light.”
—Annemarie Schimmel, Harvard University, author of Mystical Dimensions of Islam
“The singularity of [Burckhardt’s scholarly achievement is that his intellectual discernment was predicted on a ‘lived’ engagement with the arts, cultures, and religions he studied.”
—Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
“Burckhardt has always been a primary inspiration to me. . . [He was a] man of wisdom.”
—Keith Critchlow, author of Islamic Patterns: An Analytical and Cosmological Approach
“This work is a quintessential resource for traditional Sufi studies as it crystallizes the very substance and essence of the Sufi path, perhaps as astutely as any theoretical presentation could provide outside formal participation in a tariqah (path or way). The path symbolized by a radius traveling from the periphery of a circle to its center illustrates the unanimity of all spiritual paths affirming the Sufi saying: 'The ways (turuq) towards God are as numerous as the souls [nafas] of men' (p.114) It is those Sufis who realize themselves through knowledge, such as Muhyi-d-Din ibn `Arabi, al-Shaykh al-Akbar (The Greatest Master), who exemplify the religion of the heart, which this work reflects unequivocally.”
—Samuel Bendeck Sotillos, from a review from in the Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society