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  Every Branch in Me — Who are we as "human" beings? Back to the List of Slideshows
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Titus Burckhardt  wrote an essay to reveal the severe limitations of looking at all things human just through a lens of psychology. Adopting such an approach would lead to 'branches that bear no fruit' in regard to discovering the true meaning of human existence. In that essay, "Modern Psychology" (1), Burckhardt wrote:

The soul, like every other domain of reality, can only be truly known by what transcends it. Moreover, this is spontaneously and implicitly admitted in people’s recognition of the moral principle of justice, which demands that men should overcome their individual subjectivity. Now we could not overcome it if the intelligence, which guides our will, were itself nothing but a psychic reality; and intelligence would not transcend the psyché if, in its essence, it did not transcend the plane of phenomena, both inward and outward. This observation suffices to prove the necessity and the existence of a psychology deriving in a sense from above and not claiming a priori an empirical character. But although this order of things is inscribed in our very nature, it will never be recognized by modern psychology; despite its own reactions against the rationalism of yesterday, it is no closer to metaphysics than any other empirical science—indeed quite the contrary, since its perspective, which assimilates the suprarational to the irrational, predisposes it to the worst of errors.

(1) Taken from page 41 of Every Branch in Me,  this chapter is also found in the book Mirror of the Intellect

 Titus Burckhardt
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