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Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Primordiality
Noble Faces, Strong Voices: Exploring "The Spirit of Indian Women"
Ernest Thompson Seton explains "The Gospel of the Redman"
Insights into the early Christian Desert Fathers and Mothers
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"White Painted Woman carries this girl; She carries her through long life,"

Slide 5 of 14

I come to White Painted Woman,
By means of long life I come to her.
I come to her by means of her blessing,
I come to her by means of her good fortune,
I come to her by means of all her different fruits.
By means of the long life she bestows, I come to her.
By means of this holy truth she goes about.

I am about to sing this song of yours,
The song of long life.
Sun, I stand here on the earth with your song,
Moon, I have come in with your song.

White Painted Woman’s power emerges,
Her power for sleep.
White Painted Woman carries this girl;
She carries her through long life,
She carries her to good fortune,
She carries her to old age,
She bears her to peaceful sleep.
You have started out on the good earth;

You have started out with good moccasins;
With moccasin strings of the rainbow, you have started out.
With moccasin strings of the sun’s ray, you have started out.
In the midst of plenty you have started out.

Song for girls’ puberty rites, Chiricahua Apache

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