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  Ernest Thompson Seton explains "The Gospel of the Redman" Back to the List of Slideshows
"My lifelong dream and hope is that I may be the instrument of giving to the Whiteman’s world the inspiring teachings of the American Indian, in all and the full measure of their values."
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“There is no Indian Bible written by an Indian, just as there was no Pentateuch written by Moses, no Tripitika by Buddha, no Dialogues by Socrates, no Gospels written by Christ. All these records were made long after by those who knew their Master in his lifetime, or at least received the traditions of his teachings from those who were privileged to hear his voice. I have never yet had an Indian tell me fully and frankly the details of his faith; but by respectfully questioning the old men, by assembling their traditions, by noting their customs, by observing their lives, by gathering the records of their prophets, by consulting living White men who knew the Indian in primitive days, and especially by conferring with Indians who were educated as Whites after spending their youth in the ancient way of their people, we have achieved something like a comprehension of the Indian’s creed, of his unwritten laws, of his sense of relationship and duty to the Great Oversoul, the Creator and Ruler, as well as to his neighbor and to himself.”

Seton also observed, “Many years ago in Montana, I heard a missionary severely rebuke an Indian for driving his team on Sunday. The Indian looked puzzled, as he was merely minding his business and caring for his family. The missionary reiterated that this was the Lord’s Day. At last a light dawned on the Indian. He glanced up with a gleam in his eye and answered, “Oh, I see. Your God comes only one day a week; my God is with me every day and all the time.”

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