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Talking to God: Prayers for Children from the World’s Religions
“Talking to God” — book description, reviews, author bio, more
Talking to God: Prayers for Children from the World’s Religions
Talking to God: Prayers for Children from the World’s Religions
Click cover for larger image.
Children’s Books
Comparative Religion

Price:  $17.95

ISBN:  978-1-937786-69-4
Book Size:  10" × 8.75"
# of Pages:  36
Language:  English

Description of “Talking to God”
In this beautifully illustrated book of short prayers from major world religions, award-winning author Demi shows children the great value of talking to God. Here they will find many time-honored favorites, including prayers of praise, prayers of petition, prayers of gratitude, and prayers of blessing. Taking readers on a fascinating journey across the globe, Demi’s stunning illustrations celebrate the life of prayer shared by all the world’s religions. Moving from King Solomon’s Temple and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem to St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice to the Delhi Mosque and the River Ganges in India; from North America to Central Africa to China and Japan — each exciting new illustration transports readers to a holy destination where they can experience the religion’s life of prayer directly at its source. Religions featured are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, American Plains Indian, and Central African. Also included are an author’s preface and an informative appendix with helpful notes on the prayers and illustrations.

  • Winner in the “Children's Religious” category of the 2018 Best Book Awards
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Details on “Talking to God”

Talking to God is a beautifully illustrated book of short prayers from major world religions, award-winning author Demi shows children the great value of talking to God. Here they will find many time-honored favorites, including prayers of praise, prayers of petition, prayers of gratitude, and prayers of blessing. Taking readers on a fascinating journey across the globe, Demi’s stunning illustrations celebrate the life of prayer shared by all the world’s religions. Moving from King Solomon’s Temple and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem to St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice to the Delhi Mosque and the River Ganges in India; from North America to Central Africa to China and Japan — each exciting new illustration transports readers to a holy destination where they can experience the religion’s life of prayer directly at its source. Religions featured are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, American Plains Indian, and Central African. Also included are an author’s preface and an informative appendix with helpful notes on the prayers and illustrations.

Demi is the award-winning author of over 130 bestselling children’s books, including Light Another Candle: The Story and Meaning of Hanukkah, Make Noise, Make Merry: The Story and Meaning of Purim, Jesus, Mary, Saint Francis of Assisi, Muhammad, Rumi, The Fantastic Adventures of Krishna, Buddha, and The Legend of Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching. Her titles have sold over half a million copies. The Empty Pot was selected by former First Lady Barbara Bush as one of the books to be read on the ABC Radio Network Program Mrs. Bush’s Story Time, sponsored by the Children’s Literacy Initiative. Demi’s book Gandhi was named a New York Times Best Illustrated Book and received an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award. In addition, she represented the United States at the First International Children’s Book Conference in Beijing, China. She lives with her husband in Yarrow Point, WA.

  • Winner in the “Children's Religious” category of the 2018 Best Book Awards

About the Author and Illustrator


Demi is an award-winning children's book author and illustrator. She has published over 130 books during her career. Born in Cambridge, MA, she studied art at the Instituto Allende, Mexico; with Sister Corita at the Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles; and was a Fulbright scholar at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India where she received her Master’s degree. Well known for her biographies of pivotal historical and spiritual figures such as Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Mary, Muhammad, Rumi, Saint Francis, Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama, her book The Empty Pot was selected by former First Lady Barbara Bush in 1990 as one of the books to be read on the ABC Radio Network Program Mrs. Bush’s Story Time, sponsored by the Children's Literacy Initiative.

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Reviews of “Talking to God”

“This collection of short prayers from different religions around the world is presented with intricate illustrations showing related settings and people.

“Over her extensive career, author/illustrator Demi has profiled many individual religious leaders in well-received biographies for children. With this collection, she introduces groups of short, often well-known prayers representative of many of the world’s major religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Single prayers are included from Taoism, Shintoism, the Lakota people, and the Luba people of central Africa. The illustration for each prayer includes a group of representative humans, such as Buddhist monks and children praying at a Buddhist temple or a group of Jews praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Demi’s highly detailed illustrations with signature touches of gold are intriguing and well-researched, including people of many ethnicities and ages. An introduction from the author details her inclusive view of the common threads that underlie all these different religious traditions as well as her goal of fostering ‘tolerance and respect’ through the combination of her choice of prayers and visual interpretations. Two concluding pages give specific notes on the prayers and on related illustrations.

“A visually pleasing collection with appeal for those families who wish to introduce a universal approach to religious education, suitable for the religion section in larger libraries. (Picture book/religion. 5-9)”
Kirkus Reviews

“While most children readily acknowledge the presence and existence of God and His place in their lives, it is another matter altogether for them to understand God’s place in religion. Demi’s latest book, Talking to God, provides a tangible, if broad and basic, context for introducing children to world religions.

“Each religion, Demi explains in her Preface, offers a way to communicate with God through prayers of praise, petition, gratitude, and blessing. The nature of prayer is ongoing, relationship-building, and life-giving. Demi’s book will also add tolerance fostering and respect generating as outcomes to learning about prayer as children turn the pages through each culture’s approach.

“Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, Shintoism, American Plains Indian, and Central Africa share space together, joined by a sensitivity and grace embedded in each stunningly appropriate and relevant illustration. Readers are treated to confident artistry with great attention paid to the details of robes, architecture and setting, posture and religious symbolism.…

“Critical to the success of this project are two sets of explanations Demi has included at the end of the book. First is the list of Demi’s sources for the prayers she has selected. She cites specific passages from the Bible, the Koran, the Metta-Sutta, and the Tao Te Ching, among others.…”
NY Journal of Books

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