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Comparative Religion
Price: $19.95
ISBN: 1-933316-18-7
Book Size: 6 × 9
# of Pages: 184
Language: English
This new edition of Frithjof Schuon's classic work, Gnosis: Divine Wisdom, is a fully revised translation of the most recent French edition, and has an extensive appendix containing previously unpublished letters and other private writings.
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This new edition of philosopher Frithjof Schuon's classic work, Gnosis: Divine Wisdom, is a fully revised translation of the most recent French edition, and contains an extensive appendix with previously unpublished selections from Schuon’s letters and other private writings. Schuon, the foremost representative of the perennialist school of comparative religious thought, writes on the diverse aspects of religion and the spiritual life, dealing with themes such as the diversity of revelations, gnosis, love of God, and the ability to “see God everywhere.” This new edition also features a series of helpful editor’s notes by James S. Cutsinger, a glossary of foreign terms and phrases, and a comprehensive index.
Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998) is best known as the foremost spokesman of the “Traditionalist” or “Perennialist” school and as a philosopher in the metaphysical current of Shankara and Plato. He wrote more than two dozen books on metaphysical, spiritual, artistic, and ethnic themes and was a regular contributor to journals on comparative religion in both Europe and America. Schuon’s writings have been consistently featured and reviewed in a wide range of scholarly and philosophical publications around the world, respected by both scholars and spiritual authorities. Besides his prose writings, Schuon was also a prolific poet ( see a listing of Schuon's poetry books) and a gifted painter of images that always portrayed the beauty and power of the divine, and the nobility and virtue of primordial humanity.
World Wisdom features a series titled "The Writings of Frithjof Schuon", which includes many new editions of classic books by Schuon in new translations and with additional materials. Our online Library contains many articles and poems written by Frithjof Schuon, allowing readers to see a representative sample of his remarkable body of work.
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"Frithjof Schuon’s Gnosis Divine Wisdom appears in a new translation of the classic work blending religion and philosophy. It’s been revised and expanded to not only feature the new translation, but to include an appendix of selections from letters, editor’s notes, biographical notes and more."
Editor’s Foreword
I. Controversies
The Sense of the Absolute in Religions
Diversity of Revelation
Is There a Natural Mysticism?
Vicissitudes of Spiritual Temperaments
The Doctrine of Illusion
II. Gnosis
Gnosis: Language of the Self
The Ternary Aspect of the Human Microcosm
Love of God, Consciousness of the Real
Seeing God Everywhere
III. Christianity
Some Observations
Christic and Virginal Mysteries
The Cross
Selections from Letters and Other Previously Unpublished Writings
Editor’s Notes
Glossary of Foreign Terms and Phrases
Biographical Notes
We are pleased to present this new edition of Frithjof Schuon’s Gnosis: Divine Wisdom. Widely regarded as one of the greatest spiritual writers of the twentieth century, Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998) was an authority on an extraordinary range of religious and philosophical topics, and his books have been praised by scholars and spiritual teachers from many different traditions. He was also the leading representative of the perennialist school of comparative religious thought. Deeply rooted in the sophia perennis, philosophia perennis, or religio perennis—that is, the perennial wisdom, perennial philosophy, or perennial religion, as he variously called it—Schuon’s perspective embodies the timeless and universal principles underlying the doctrines, symbols, sacred art, and spiritual practices of the world’s religions.
Gnosis: Divine Wisdom was Schuon’s fourth major work. Published in Paris in 1957 by La Colombe under the title Sentiers de Gnose and first translated in 1959 by G. E. H. Palmer for Perennial Books, the book appeared in a new French edition in 1987, and a third edition, revised and corrected by the author, was published by La Place Royale in 1996. It is upon this most recent version of the text that the present, fully revised translation is based.
Among the special features of this new edition is an appendix containing previously unpublished selections from the author’s letters and other private writings. Throughout his life Schuon carried on an extensive correspondence, much of it in response to questions posed by the many inquirers and visitors, from a variety of religious backgrounds, who looked to him for advice; over a thousand of his letters have been preserved. He also composed nearly twelve hundred short spiritual texts for close friends and associates, compiled in his later years as The Book of Keys. These and other private writings often contained the seeds of ideas that were later developed into published articles and chapters, and it is hoped that the selections included here will afford the reader a glimpse into a new and very rich dimension of this perennial philosopher’s message.
—From the Editor's Foreword by James S. Cutsinger