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Jeff Shore’s life and work
This site includes Jeff Shore’s biography, photos, and more.
Jeff Shore is Professor of International Zen at Hanazono University, Kyoto, Japan, where he has taught for over a decade and a half. He received his MA in Comparative Philosophy from the University of Hawaii in 1978, focusing on Ch’an (Zen) Buddhism, and thereafter performed postgraduate work in the Department of Religion at Temple University, before he moved to Japan in 1981.
Prof. Shore served as editor of the FAS Society Journal from 1984-1999 and played a leading role in introducing this style of lay-Zen practice to the West. He translated the novel He's Leaving Home: My Young Son Becomes a Zen Monk, by Kiyohiro Miura, winner of the prestigious Akutagawa literary prize in 1988. Prof. Shore's translations of modern Zen masters and thinkers have appeared in leading journals on Buddhism and Japanese culture, including The Eastern Buddhist and Chanoyu Quarterly. Prof. Shore has studied and practiced Zen Buddhism for more than 30 years, spending over 20 years training under Keido Fukushima, head abbot of the Tofukuji training monastery in Kyoto.
Prof. Shore contributed a foreword to the World Wisdom book, The Laughing Buddha of Tofukuji , by Ishwar C. Harris .