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Jean Biès’s life and work
This site includes Jean Biès’s biography, photos, online articles, bibliography, links, and more.
Jean Biès
Jean  Biès
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Biography of Jean Biès

Jean Biès was born in Bordeaux, France in 1933. He studied Classics at the University of Algiers and later at the Sorbonne. He was first influenced by the East during his childhood and adolescence spent in Algiers. At the age of twenty he discovered the philosophia perennis through the works of René Guénon and Frithjof Schuon. He later met several representatives of traditional wisdom including the Sufi sheikh Adda Bentounès in 1952, Swami Siddheswarananda in 1954 and 1956, and Frithjof Schuon in 1967, 1968, and 1971. In 1973, he defended his doctoral dissertation in which he studied the relationship between French literature and Hindu thinking (Littérature française et la Pensée Hindoue). This work was awarded the Prix d’Asie by the Académie des Sciences d’Outre-mer. The same year, he traveled extensively throughout India.

During his career as a teacher of French at the High School in Nay and as a Professor of Greek Literature at the University of Pau, he also gave several conferences in France and in Switzerland, Belgium, and Venezuela. He wrote numerous articles which appeared in a range of reviews, while at the same time obstinately pursuing his work as a writer. He retired in 1993 in order to devote his time entirely to his works. In 1997, he was named Chevalier of the French Legion of Honor.

Jean Biès’ works are divided into theoretical essays: presentations of traditional teachings, travel and personal accounts, testimonies, and collections of poetry—some 10,000 pages of published and unpublished texts. Situated at the confluence of East and West, and in the constant light of the Perennial Philosophy at an especially critical historical time, his work offers spiritual “keys” and suggestions for the urgent preparation for the future.

Since 1962, he and his wife have lived in a country home, “Saint-Michel-la-Grange,” at the foot of the Pyrénées.

The work of Dr. Jean Bies has not been well circulated in English, and so World Wisdom has published Returning to the Essential: The Selected Writings of Jean Bies, a selection of his most important works featuring a variety of topics and styles. In addition, Dr. Biès has contributed the essay "Sacredness" to Light from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern West, and "Theology of the Icon" to Ye Shall Know The Truth: Christianity and The Perennial Philosophy.

Books/DVDs containing the work of Jean Biès

The work of Jean Biès can be found in the following World Wisdom books:

Jean Biès’s Writings Online
 TitleSourceAuthor 1Author 2SubjectWW HTMLWW PDFExternal Link
About an Intellectual ReformReturning to the Essential: The Selected Writings of Jean BièsBiès, Jean Christianity, Tradition
Christian Esotericism and Primordial TraditionReturning to the Esssential: Selected Writings of Jean BiesBiès, Jean Comparative Religion
 2 entries (Displaying results 1 - 2) View : Jump to: Page: of 1 pages

Jean Biès’s Bibliography

Books in English

Sophia Volume 12 Number 1 (Foundation for Traditional Studies, 2007)

Ye Shall Know the Truth (World Wisdom, 2005)

Returning to the Essential: The Selected Writings of Jean Bies (World Wisdom, 2004)

Books in French

John Tavener, lenchanteur: Une introduction à la musique du silence (Les Deux Océans, 2008)

Les alchimistes (OXUS, 2007)

Petit dictionnaire dimpertinences spirituelles (Entrelacs, 2006)

Voies de Sages: Douze maîtres spirituels témoignent de leur vérité (OXUS, 2006)

Les grands initiés du XXe siècle : Trente voies pratiques de realization (OXUS, 2005)

Retour à lessentiel: Quelle spiritualité pour lhomme daujourdhui? (LAge dHomme, 2004)

Vivre et transmettre la tradition (Dervy, 2004)

Par les chemins de vie et doeuvre: Entretiens avec Mireya de Alson (Les Deux Océans, 2001)

Littérature française et pensée hindoue, des origines à 1950 (Klincksieck, 2000)

Les Alchimistes (Kiron: Philippe Lebaud, 2000)

Athos: La montagne transfigure (Deux Océans, 2000)

La Porte de lappartement des femmes (Dauphin (Le), 1998)

Linitiatrice (Editions du Dauphin, 1998)

Voies de sages (Editions du Felin, 1996)

Paroles durgence (Terre du Ciel, 1996)

Les chemins de la ferveur: Voyage en Inde (Terre du Ciel, 1995)

Arts, gnose et alchimie. Trois sources de régénérescence (Courrier du Livre, 1987)

Photographs of Jean Biès

photo of Jean Biès

Jean Biès

Online Resources about Jean Biès

The Wikipedia page on Dr. Jean Biès has some additional resources and links of interest.
A bibliography created by Jean Biès himself in 2006 (in pdf format) is quite extensive. The document is in French. It also has summaries, in French, of many of his books.
Here is a page (in French) on Jean Biès with a number of useful links.

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