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James Cowan’s life and work
This site includes James Cowan’s biography, photos, and more.
Detailed Information on James Cowan
James Cowan is an Australian philosopher, novelist, traveler and "cultural adventurer" whose work explores the continuum between past, present and future. He is best-known for a series of works on the culture and spiritual heritage of the Australian Aborigines, including Mysteries of the Dreaming (1989) and Myths of the Dreaming (1994), and for his prize-winning novels which include A Mapmaker's Dream (1996) and A Troubadour's Testament (1998). He recently spent several years in Italy where he completed Francis: A Saint's Way (2001).
His article "Towards a New Dreaming" can be found in The Betrayal of Tradition: Essays on the Spiritual Crisis of Modernity , edited by Harry Oldmeadow.