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Ishwar Harris’s life and work
This site includes Ishwar Harris’s biography, photos, online articles, and more.
Ishwar Harris is a professor of religion specializing in Eastern Religions, an expert on India’s culture and civilization, an author of books and articles, and a musician. Prof. Harris has devoted his career to studying Eastern religions, particularly Zen Buddhism. He currently teaches at the College of Wooster in Ohio. Prof. Harris has had extensive contact with Keido Fukushima, head abbot of the famous Tofukuji Monastery in Kyoto, and has written a book about him, The Laughing Buddha Of Tofukuji: The Life Of Zen Master Keido Fukushima , published by World Wisdom.
The Laughing Buddha of Tofukuji: The Life of Zen Master Keido Fukushima (World Wisdom, 2004)
Gandhians in Contemporary India: The Vision and the Visionaries (Edwin Mellen Press, 1998)
Radhakrishnan, the profile of a universalist (Minerva, 1982)