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Alexander Lipski’s life and work
This page includes a short biography of Dr. Alexander Lipski, and references to his work
Dr. Alexander Lipski (1919-09), was Professor of History and Religious Studies from 1958 to 1984 at California State University, Long Beach, and a writer on topics of European and Indian history and religion. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.
Dr. Lipski wrote several books on some major religious figures, Thomas Merton and Asia: His Quest for Utopia, Essays on Carmelite Saints, and Life and Teaching of Sri Anandamayi Ma. He also edited the collection Bengal: East and West. Dr. Lipski also wrote many essays on history and religion that were published in various journals.
In 1965 he spent time at Sri Anandamayi Ma's ashram in Varanasi and then with the saint herself at Rajgir. Lipski's experiences, insights, and biographical details on her life resulted in his book on her life and teachings. The text of this book was later incorporated into the illustrated book The Essential Sri Anandamayi Ma. Its inclusion marks the first publication of the text in North America. Dr. Lipski also contributed the foreword to a forthcoming World Wisdom book on the life and teachings of Srī Rāmakrishna.
Alexander Lipski's contributions to World Wisdom books: