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Alberto Vasconcellos Queiroz’s life and work
This site includes Alberto Vasconcellos Queiroz’s biography, photos, and more.
Alberto Vasconcellos Queiroz was born and raised in the Brazilian city of Santos, the largest seaport in Latin America. He studied psychology at the Pontifical Catholic University in São Paulo where he graduated as a professional psychologist. After graduating, he moved to the city of São José dos Campos, where he began his career working in industry. He soon turned to the public sector, initially as a psychologist in residential care units, and later as a municipal administrator. He is now an assistant to the Mayor’s Office, with special responsibility for educational projects.
Queiroz had an early interest in literature and foreign languages, and is an autodidact in English and French. For several years he worked as a translator, and as a newspaper editor. During his university years, Queiroz discovered the writings of the French philosopher and orientalist René Guénon and the German philosopher and poet Frithjof Schuon, who from then on were to be the main influence in his life. Queiroz traveled several times to the United States to visit Schuon, and has assisted in the translation of his works into Portuguese. He lives with his wife and six children in a beautiful country location not far from São José dos Campos.
Alberto Vasconcellos Queiroz is the co-editor of Remembering in a World of Forgetting: Thoughts on Tradition and Postmodernism, a collection of the writings by William Stoddart. He also contributed the "Foreword" to Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christianity, and Modern Thought, by Mateus Soares de Azevedo.
Contributions from Alberto Vasconcellos Queiroz: