
Custer’s Last Battle: Red Hawk’s Account of the Battle of the Little Bighorn |
“Custer’s Last Battle: Red Hawk’s Account of the Battle of the Little Bighorn” — details, sample pages, more |
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American Indian Children’s Books
Price: $16.95
ISBN: 978-1-937786-11-3
Book Size: 7.75" x 10.25"
# of Pages: 44
Language: English

Custer’s Last Battle
On the morning of June 25, 1876, a force of 700 men from the 7th US Cavalry led by General George Armstrong Custer attacked an Indian encampment on the banks of the Little Big Horn River. Although Custer didn’t know it, he faced the combined might of the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, led by many great chiefs such as Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. Advised by his Indian scouts not to attack, the foolhardy general ignored their warnings and trusted to “Custer’s luck.”
In this commemorative edition of his first published book, Goble recounts the tale of Custer’s last battle through the eyes of Red Hawk, a fictional young Lakota warrior. Presented in the shorter format that Goble originally intended, and combined with a new author’s introduction and a foreword by Joe Medicine Crow, the Crow tribal historian whose grandfather was one of Custer’s own scouts, readers will marvel at this tale of honor and bravery.
- Gold Medal winner of the 2014 Benjamin Franklin Award in the category “Young Reader: Fiction (8-12 Years)”
- Silver Midwest Book Award for “Children’s Fiction”
- Finalist for 2013 Foreword Review “Book of the Year” Award in the category “Juvenile Fiction”
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On the morning of June 25, 1876, a force of 700 men from the 7th US Cavalry led by General George Armstrong Custer attacked an Indian encampment on the banks of the Little Big Horn River. Although Custer didn’t know it, he faced the combined might of the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, led by many great chiefs such as Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. Advised by his Indian scouts not to attack, the foolhardy general ignored their warnings and trusted to “Custer’s luck.”
In this commemorative edition of his first published book, Goble recounts the tale of Custer’s last battle through the eyes of Red Hawk, a fictional young Lakota warrior. Presented in the shorter format that Goble originally intended, and combined with a new author’s introduction and a foreword by Joe Medicine Crow, the Crow tribal historian whose grandfather was one of Custer’s own scouts, readers will marvel at this tale of honor and bravery.
Paul Goble is an award-winning author and illustrator of over 40 children’s books. His book The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, won the prestigious Caldecott Medal. His most recent books are the award-winning “stories from the tipi” series, which includes The Man Who Dreamed of Elk-Dogs, The Boy and His Mud Horses, and The Woman Who Lived with Wolves.
Paul Goble lives with his wife in Rapid City, South Dakota.
- Gold Medal winner of the 2014 Benjamin Franklin Award in the category “Young Reader: Fiction (8-12 Years)”
- Silver Midwest Book Award for “Children’s Fiction”
- Finalist for 2013 Foreword Review “Book of the Year” Award in the category “Juvenile Fiction”
Dr. Joe Medicine Crow (1913-2016) was the Crow Tribal Historian and the oldest living man of the Crow tribe. In 1939, he was the first member of the Crow tribe to obtain a master’s degree. Dr. Medicine Crow was a guest speaker at Little Bighorn College, the Custer Battlefield Museum, and several other colleges throughout the nation. Joe Medicine Crow received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, on August 12, 2009. He lived on the Crow Reservation in Lodge Grass, Montana, until his death on April 3, 2016.
His books include, A Handbook of Crow Indian Laws and Treaties, and From the Heart of the Crow Country. Dr. Medicine Crow's contributions to World Wisdom books include:
Click here to watch videos featuring Joe Medicine Crow.
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“Custer’s Last Battle is a gorgeously illustrated, fictionalized yet well-researched account of the Battle of the Little Bighorn told from the point of view of a fifteen-year-old Oglala Sioux warrior. Though brief, each of the forty-four pages is enlivened by beautifully rendered, full-color ledger-book art, with drawings presented in a relatively bloodless manner suitable for the youthful audience at which it is aimed.
“First published more than forty years ago, this new version by Wisdom Tales includes not only revised and updated text but also a brighter, more brilliant remastering of the illustrations. As author and illustrator Paul Goble says, his original art work was scanned and updated ‘in glorious digitized color.’ Goble, who has won many awards as an illustrator since the original publication, has done a masterful job of not merely copying but perhaps improving on the ‘Egyptian perspective’ of the ‘bright flat colors’ and ‘detail drawing’ style used by Native Americans in the nineteenth century. His drawings closely and faithfully mimic their own artistic depictions of the epic event and tell the story of Custer’s Last Stand so clearly and concisely that graphic novelists, filmmakers, and historians would be envious.
“The text is short and simple. While fictionalized, it is drawn from firsthand accounts of participants fighting on the bluffs overlooking the Little Big Horn River in June 1876. As Chief Joe Medicine Crow, now ninety-eight, explains in the foreword to this new edition, ‘Goble’s retelling of the Custer battle’ is not only ‘based on Indian sources. It is very accurate. So you can also learn the real story from this book.…’”
—ForeWord Reviews, from a review by Mark McLaughlin
“(Gr 4-8) In this stunning new edition of Goble’s Red Hawk’s Account of Custer’s Last Battle (Univ. of Nebraska, 1969), the author has modified the text to reflect the changing opinions of the battle and the benefit of new research. Punctuated by italicized explanations, Red Hawk’s account of his encounter with General Custer and his white soldiers draws readers in and keeps a hold on them throughout the entire battle. Joe Medicine Crow’s compelling foreword gives a strong Indian perspective and lends accuracy to the many versions of the events of that day. New digitized illustrations, done in the ledger-book style that Goble has beautifully mastered, add brilliant color and detail to the compelling and riveting tale. While a work of fiction, Red Hawk’s narrative is based on the compilation of many witnesses to the battle and is told in an honest and direct voice. A refreshing update that retains its original passion and bravery.”
—School Library Journal, from a review by Carol Connor, Cincinnati Public Schools, OH
From the web site of our children's book imprint, Wisdom Tales, we have two links below that show how the book looks in detail. Click on one of the links below to open a pdf of the page spreads to see samples of the text and illustrations in Custer’s Last Battle. The text and illustrations are both by award-winning artist and author Paul Goble. Note: If your browser displays pdf files itself, rather than opening pdf files in Adobe Reader, you may see the pages one above the other, rather than as a “spread,” which is how they would look when the book is opened and showing two pages side-by-side. To see a more accurate view of the pages, right-click on a link and select “Save Target As” or “Save link as” and save the pdf file to your computer; you can then open it with Adobe Reader.